Posts Tagged ‘web2ireland’

Eircom web innovation fund winners – HeyStaks, Locle, Playza, TouristR

admin 14th of July 2008 by admin

Damien Mulley has the details on the Winners of the Eircom Web Innovation Fund [previous coverage here]



From Press release

The four chosen companies are:

1. HeyStaks – HeyStaks is a new approach to Web search that helps searchers to share their search experiences with friends, colleagues, and other searchers. HeyStaks is a browser plugin that works with Google and provides users with the ability to create so-called search staks as a way to organise and share their Google searches. For example, a group of friends planning a holiday abroad might create a Holiday 2008 search stak. As they individually search for travel, accommodation and entertainment options, their selections will be shared with each other during future searches as specially highlighted search results. In this way all of the friends can see what results have been found to be useful during earlier searches, which may help them during their own searches for that perfect holiday package.

Research shows that HeyStaks can help searchers find information more quickly and in turn allow users to create and share many different types of search staks to reflect different topics of interest. In this way search staks can provide users with access to a form of Web search that is powered by their favourite search engine but customised for a particular topic of interest, based on their own search experiences or the search experiences of others.

The HeyStaks technology has been developed by Prof. Barry Smyth's research group in University College Dublin and is the first spin-out of the new CLARITY research centre, a €16m Science Foundation Ireland research centre combining researchers from University College Dublin, Dublin City University, and the Tyndal National Institute.

2. Locle – Locle is a social mapping application for mobile phones that combines information from your mobile handset address book with social networks such as Bebo, Facebook and MySpace to create mapping services that show users where their friends are. Locle is an enhanced mobile web experience that facilitates here's where I am, and here's where my friends are for social networks and groups.

Locle is a combination of a web service and downloadable mobile phone software. When the Locle mobile client is activated, it identifies the user's location and presents the location of friends who also use the application. Friends can be both contacts from your mobile phone address book or contacts from your social networks. As well as letting you know where your friends are, Locle can also keep you up to date on relevant information to your location such as local events, news, weather and provide details on local restaurants, cinemas and ATM machines etc.
Locle is a Business Expansion Scheme qualified investment.

3. Playza – With most popular online games focused squarely at the adult gaming market, Playza is a new social gaming proposition for Digital Natives our 12 to 24 year olds who have grown up in a digital media environment where mobile phones, social networking, multiplayer online gaming, and music downloading have always been the norm.

Playza is made up of a series of connected mini games in which players complete tasks and earn points. Online game players are encouraged to bring their gaming colleagues to Playza and social networkers can invite their online friends to join. The main objective of the game is to form and control player groups. By getting new members into their group, players will increase their standing and capabilities within the games. Playza users can also create their own page to host their game account and mini games. Within their page, users can create their own game groups, receive feedback and messages and post the game to their other sites or blogs such as MySpace or Facebook.

Playza combines the addictive nature of online gaming with the community features of a social networking portal.

4. TouristR – TouristR is an integrated full-service trip-planning advisor, which cuts out the online information overload and minimises planning problems. It not only helps the traveller to plan a more complex travel itinerary – such as a trip with multiple destinations on a fixed budget and timeline but it also draws on content submitted by a community of users which will help the traveller to decide on a destination by getting a sense of the type of experience available at their chosen destination.

A new breed of unique Web 2.0 travel service, TouristR will feature stories, adventures and photographs of destinations submitted by users as well as aid the traveller who needs to factor in multiple elements to their trip such as budgetary, geographical, temporal and other personal preferences and restrictions.

You can learn more about the Eircom Innovation Fund here

Web 2.0 Summit Launchpad – Call for Web2Ireland startups…

admin 8th of July 2008 by admin

Tim O’Reilly has outlined the call in a piece What good is collective intelligence if it doesn’t make us smarter?

The article leans heavily on a previous post from Umair Haque – which is super smart and thought provoking.

The Web2.0 Summit is one of the premium events in the year – and this is a great opportunity for any Web2Ireland company.

2 Irish companies come to mind straight away based on the criteria

Decisions for Heros

No doubt I’ve missed a few – please let us know who you think fits the bill….

Web2Ireland – what's going on – week ending July 4th, 2008

admin 7th of July 2008 by admin

Send on any news tips to us at web2ireland.editor AT

PutPlace gets the Tuesday Push – make sure you’ve signed up – delighted to participate in this initiative.

Dial2Dogets more praise… from VentureBeat – goes very web2.0 like – whilst Irish Times goes free – see commentary from Greg Sterling

Enterprise Ireland conducting review of software sector – wonder will the old internet get a mention this time round.

EI office in Silicon Valley is paying attention – they are sponsoring a table at the SVASE event – “Business Models that Work for Web 2.0 Based Startups”

SeedCamp applications now welcome

Top Posts on Web2Ireland this week

Eircom Web Innovation Fund
The Tuesday Push – Showing real community spirit
Irish Government – Data Sharing, APIs, and Mashups

Follow us – We're on twitter –

Irish Government – Data Sharing, APIs, and Mashups

admin 4th of July 2008 by admin

The blog post title is enough to make one dream…

We’ve already covered this subject before – Time for

John has details on UK Government Moves Forward with Data Sharing, APIs, and Mashup Contest

In Ireland we have

- millions (overspent) spent on Reach projectPublic Service Broker
- no national postcode system
- not to mention the walled garden mentally to data

Some suggestions for Govt folks

- engage with Irish development community
— check the following work done by folks in the community
—– planningbuddy from ElectricMill
—– PostCode system
—– Casualty Figures from Electric Mill
- engage folks like John Musser, JP Rangaswami
- publish in structured format – RSS/ATOM/etc [some free SEO...] [disclosure: my own company has tried... and failed with eGovt and rss - retailers get it]

Any ideas from the Web2Ireland community on how we can help our own Govt ?

Web2Ireland – what's going on – week ending June 27th, 2008

admin 30th of June 2008 by admin

Send on any news tips to us at web2ireland.editor AT MUZU TV – Dublin based startup just launches [Thanks Joe for note]. From their site “Your Music Network – Where bands, artists, festivals, venues, broadcasters, music magazines and more broadcast their music TV on the web.”

Techcrunch meetup – some updates from Mike Butcher on Thursday.

PutPlace gets some readwriteweb love – on their Public beta

Maxroam drives lower phone call prices – and gets ready to launch version2.0

TripPlanr from Jan and his team at TouristRepublic – get coverage on SiliconRepublic – in partnership with Deri – good example of co-operation with research institutes in Ireland.

Pitch Robin Klein – from TAG - see video with Loic

Interesting mobile social service – Locle – especially given latest m&a activity @ plazes and zyb. Rumour has it that a well know telecoms disruptor is an advisor.

SeedCorn Competition – has a record prize fund of €280,000 – which makes some other global startup competitions look small in comparison.

Events – Salesforce mashup/developer/platform event in Dublin – Tour De Force – June 30th

Follow us – We're on twitter –

Enterprise2.0 – opportunity

admin 26th of June 2008 by admin

Damien has a great post on Platforms: Interested in building apps on the platform? – which relates to the event – Tour De Force


Also check out Bill de hÓra’s post on some of the technical smarts that and Google used in their recent hookup.

PutPlace – opens up signup – solve your backup problems

admin 24th of June 2008 by admin

Backup provider – PutPlace – has just announced open sign-up season. Check the The PutPlace Blog for details


PutPlace allows you to upload as much as you want during the beta – which is free. Sign Up – and help PutPlace build a great product – with feedback.

Web2Ireland – what's going on – week ending June 20th, 2008

admin 22nd of June 2008 by admin

A quiet week in Web2Ireland land this week…

Official launch of Ammado – see announcement

Compatipals – interesting Dublin based startup – using social networks @ friendships. “CompatiPals helps you understand one of the most powerful and influential things in the world, relationships. Discover yourself, your friends, and the mystery of compatibility.”

Google Dublin – an insight on Silicon Republic

Touristr – cool new user interface – and some coverage in Irish Indo


Salesforce mashup/developer/platform event in Dublin – Tour De Force – June 30th

Mike Butcher of Techcrunch coming to Dublin – event on June 26th – signup here

Silicon Ireland Event in Dublin on 26th June 2008

Firefox Party was a blast last week – over 200 people – with Curry2.0 dinner the night before.

Follow us – We're on twitter – – Target is 500 followers by end of July.

Send on any news tips to us at web2ireland.editor AT

BarCamp Belfast on 21st June, 2008

admin 20th of June 2008 by admin

barcamp belfast

Check out the
BarCampBelfast wiki – it should be a great event.

Web2Ireland – what's going on – week ending June 13th

admin 13th of June 2008 by admin

Folks seem to like these posts – so here’s some bits and bobs from around the Web2Ireland scene

Web2Ireland branding to improve with new logo – Thanks to all submissions and votesthe Web2Ireland community voted to an entry from Spoiltchild.

Dial2Do announce deal with Jajah

Irish and the iPhone

Zignals launches

Irish connection at Skydeck

Salesforce mashup/developer/platform event in Dublin – Tour De Force – June 30th

Dial2Do and Feedhenry at Launch Silicon Valley 2008Dial2Do win award

Finetuna launches – coverage on Nextweb – another great service from Alan and his team at SpoiltChild

Joe is on a roll – 30million awaiting an Irish YCombinator – and Ireland’s Digital Future

Mike Butcher of Techcrunch coming to Dublin – event on June 26th – signup here

Robin Blandford startup Decisionforheroses taking shape

Best wishes to Tom Raftery and family – as they move to Spain – from all his friends at web2Ireland. Keep in touch Tom.

Irish VC’s to replace Irish banksno widget companies or .com companies need apply

Ticket-Text – interesting Irish company – “ticket text is a new low cost ticketing agent that delivers tickets via text messages (SMS) and print-at-home e-tickets. Simply bring your SMS or print-at-home e-ticket to the venue, scan your ticket and you're in!”Ryanair is a customer.

Firefox Party reminder – June 19th – in Dublin

Bonus links…
Good article on “Your ad-supported Web 2.0 site is actually a B2B enterprise in disguise”

dont forget – we’re on twitter - – Target is 500 followers by end of July….

send on any news tips to us at web2ireland.editor AT