Posts Tagged ‘cloud’

What Cloud Provider Do You Use?

conor 7th of June 2011 by conor

There’s been an awful lot of spoof and nonsense written about the cloud in the past few months. As for the hilarious predictions on the number of people who will end up employed in the area in Ireland…….

But the positive reality on the ground is that more and more companies are using some form of cloud hosting. Given that the Web2Ireland readership is definitely in the early adopter bracket, we wanted to get some sense of what you are all using. Is it mainly generic servers like AWS or are people moving more towards platform specific hosting like Heroku or Google AppEngine? Is anyone using Azure in anger? What about IBM? Feel free to use the poll and leave a comment.

If there is enough interest, we may follow it up with a more detailed why/what/when survey.

[polldaddy poll="5121095"]


CloudCamp and Cloud Summit in September

conor 31st of August 2009 by conor

Fans of cloud computing will be happy to hear that there are two events coming in the next couple of weeks.

First off is CloudCamp Sept. 17th in IBM’s Innovation Centre in Dublin. It’s a proper *Camp Unconference where early adopters of Cloud Computing technologies exchange ideas. It’s a free night for all to discuss anything “Cloud” and is sponsored by Cisco, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Hosting365, flexiscale, rightscale and emailcloud. Registration from 6pm and talks, discussion, food etc from 7pm-11pm.

Then the Cloud Computing Summit is on in Croke Park from Sep 22nd-23rd. There is a big line-up of speakers and yours truly will be on an end-user panel talking about our experiences with EC2 in LouderVoice. Sponsors include IBM, Eircom, ISA and the NDRC.

Web2Ireland – what's going on – week ending July 18th, 2008

admin 22nd of July 2008 by admin

Apologies – post is a little late.send on any news tips to us at web2ireland.editor AT

This week's Tuesday Push is 1time
– see list of coverage
IETF Meeting in Dublin
Three Weeks left to apply to SeedCamp
Barcamps – Cork
Startup Ideas – from Paul Graham
Building your webapp in the cloud

Other bits of news on techcrunch
iPhone app for Irish Rail
Social network for horse betting
Roomex hitting big targets

Follow us – We're on twitter –

Building your webapp in the cloud

conor 21st of July 2008 by conor

Whilst today is possibly not the best day ever to discuss cloud computing/storage, given the S3 problems last night, we’re doing another call on interest in attending a session on this in the near future.

Both the Amazon sessions in Dublin and Cork were very strongly attended so the interest seems to be there in general. However there are also a wide range of offerings out there from IBM, Salesforce and of course Google. Salesforce had their recent conference here which covered the Platform as a service and I’ve been talking to the IBM guys in Ireland who have their cloud computing centre in Mulhuddart.

I know many people were excited when the Google App Engine was announced. For some reason there seems to be a very strong Python dev community here with lots of startups using Django too, so the fit is quite strong.

So two questions for you this morning. First, if there was a full day session covering the cloud by one of these vendors, would you be interested in attending and what would you like to hear about (biz, tech, mix, heavy API drilldown)? Secondly, let us know in the comments what you are up to in this area.