Daft announced recently their Polish Property web service – Daft.pl
The site is going live with about 60,000 properties across every major city and town in Poland. Approximately ten times larger than the Irish market, Poland has a population of 38 million.
This is also the first Daft site to run entirely on Amazon EC2 Cloud platform.
Eamonn Fallon, founder of Daft, over IM informed us that “The site auto-scales which is a pretty cool technology. Yesterday we went from 3 servers to 18 at the peak and we didn’t have to really worry about it.”
Tags: amazon, Daft, daft.pl, EamonnFallon, ec2, web2ireland
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The Microsoft Developer Platform Group are holding an informal, celebratory, evening marking the commercial launch of Windows Azure.
At the event, you will briefly hear from Microsoft on what the Azure Services Platform is about and why it is relevant to market.
The evening will start and end with some drinks and snacks for attendees.
Date: 28th January, 2010
Where: The Westbury Hotel, Grafton Street, Dublin 2.
Time: 18:30 (18:00 Welcome time) 19.45 (21:00 allowing for afters)
Register here
18:00-18:30 Canapés and Drinks on Arrival
18:30-19:00 Welcome and Introduction to Azure
19:00-19:15 Break
19:15-19.45 Customer Speakers: 'Developing Apps, and Going Live, on the Cloud'
19:45-21:00 Networking and Refreshments
Tags: azure, microsoft, web2ireland
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Ammado are seeking donations for Haiti Earthquake Appeal
Please give what you can to help relieve the suffering of those affected.
Tags: ammado, Haiti Earthquake Appeal, web2ireland
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Dial2Do, the Handsfree Assistant service that lets you get things done while you drive, recently attended the CES show in Las Vegas

Some highlights
- partnership with Enustech for a hands-free car kit called the drive'n’talk
- partnership with Bluetrek
- Media Coverage
Barron’s, Fox News and lots of others
Tags: bluetrek, ces, dial2do, handsfree, web2ireland
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The Dublin Web Summit is hosting an event at
Trinity College Dublin
on Thursday, February 04, 2010
from 5:30 PM – 11:30 PM – this includes a networking event
Chris Newmark (founder of Craigslist) & Matt Mullenweg (founder of WordPress) , who are regular keynotes at the world’s largest technology conferences, will be talking about the lessons & direct experiences in scaling their companies, which have had huge impacts on global commerce and communication.
Chris Horn will reflect on his experience building succesful global companies from Ireland. He will also touch on the broader issue of innovation and Ireland, as well as prospects & opportunities for Irish entrepreneurs over the coming decade.
Sign up for tickets here
Tags: Craigslist, DublinWebSummit, web2ireland, wordpress
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Well known developer, Paul Campbell, working with Brian Flanagan have launched Ketchup

As per release notes from Paul
Ketchup is a web app for storing meeting notes.
It’s designed to be easy to use. We’ve purposely only designed the simplest features, from the outset. Over the next couple of months, the plan is to listen closely to feedback and shape the product into a powerful, useful and valuable tool.
In terms of philosophy, the app is designed around three principles:
“Do little, insanely well.”
Pay close attention to visual design and details.
“Not Saving Changes” … every detail is saved once it’s created or changed.
Tags: ketchup, web2ireland
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Happy New Year to everyone
Some community feedback needed…
1. What predictions do you see in 2010 for Web2Ireland community
2. What would you like to see on Web2Ireland.org ?
Please send us email, comments, etc.
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