A never-ending conversation I have with other start-ups is how get their name visible, build profile and eventually get covered by one of the main Tech News sites.
One way of kicking that off is to make sure your company is profiled on CrunchBase. We’ve recently started using the plug-in here on Web2Ireland to give extra context to stories. And ye know what? The TechCrunch guys love that we are.
It really is gratifying to know that the efforts made by the start-up community in Ireland are recognised by the guys in Silicon Valley. So what you waiting for, sign up now!
Tags: crunchbase, Marketing, techcrunch, techcrunch usa
Posted in Community | 6 Comments »
Joe Drumgoole let us know that the outcome of the Tuesday Push on PutPlace far exceeded expectation:
For us it increased our number of visitors on average four fold for the week in which we were pushed. This converted to double the previous weeks registrations. We weren’t running any other campaigns so I attribute that all to the Tuesday push….Basically one of the most cost effective marketing exercises we have done this year.
And your reason for not signing up for the push is?
Tags: joe drumgoole, Marketing, putplace, tuesday push
Posted in Community, Marketing | 2 Comments »