How to Present to Investors

8th of August 2006 by admin

Paul Graham has compiled a great post on How to Present to Investors

Loved this….

“Recently a VC who came to speak at Y Combinator talked about a company he just invested in. He said their business model was wrong and would probably change three times before they got it right. The founders were experienced guys who’d done startups before and who’d just succeeded in getting millions from one of the top VC firms, and even their business model was crap. (And yet he invested anyway, because he expected it to be crap at this stage.)”

One Response to “How to Present to Investors”
A new web 2.0 company
Wow- I've got to know if this person is making money
Clearly, since I myself have a Paypal donation button on my blog, I won't be sending any his way. Interesting concept though.