Qik and MaxRoam. If you travel and if you like video, then you’ll be a very happy bunny this morning.

Cubic Telecom have just announced announced a partnership with Qik to bring massive savings to Qik users who love to stream video while travelling. The Qik SIM also provides big savings on voice calls, email, web browsing and texting while they travel. I love their tagline: ”Go mobile, not broke”.
Tags: maxroam, qik, roaming, sim, streaming, video
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I love posting good news and this is just wonderful to hear. Niall Harbison and the crew at iFoods have just announced a €400k investment.

It proves that great businesses with a world class team can still secure serious money. We’ve been fans of the iFoods concept since day one. They are going to be serious players in the food web-site niche. eMarketer did an article on this during the week.

According to comScore, food sites attracted 45.6 million unique visitors in September 2008, up 10% from 2007more than double the rate of total Internet growth in the US.
Tags: emarketer, Finance, food sites, funding, ifoods, recipe, video
Posted in Irish Web2.0 News | 1 Comment »