Strong Irish Representation in The Europas

25th of June 2009 by conor

The inaugural Techcrunch Europe Award nominees have been announced and there are plenty of Irish companies in there. It’s a public vote, so head on over and keep the flag flying for a lot of great apps and businesses.

The awards are particularly gratifying because there are so many businesses that are new to me in the list. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in Europe. Now if only an Irish VC could dazzle everyone and become worthy to join the 2010 nominees.

The Irish are (and let me know if we’ve missed any):

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6 Responses to “Strong Irish Representation in The Europas”

[...] 9:05 am on June 25, 2009 Permalink | Reply Tags: ireland (113), web (499) The Irish presence in the TechCrunch UK Europa awards. § [...]

Best of Luck Conor and all listed above.

[...] Click here to read Conor O' Neill's blog. Share and Enjoy: [...]

What am I missing – Maxroam not in that category they are linked out to??

Thanks for list :-)

Well spotted Keith, they either moved category or I mis-typed. Fixed now.

Nice work Conor. The “vote here” buttons made the process a breeze :)