NewBay Launches World’s First Aggregated Mobile Social Networking Solution

12th of September 2008 by admin

Dublin based Newbay – launches LifeCache – which Enables Carriers to Provide Aggregated Social Networking Experience and Allows Subscribers to Easily View and Manage Multiple Communities in a Single Feed


The LifeCache Solution uniquely provides users with an aggregated mobile Social Networking experience. It presents popular information from multiple online communities including Facebook, Bebo AOL, YouTube and MySpace in a single feed, allowing subscribers to instantly engage with friends and family across a host of third party sites.

Check out the press release

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One Response to “NewBay Launches World’s First Aggregated Mobile Social Networking Solution”

Thanks for the link. I am impressed a telco would go for an aggregated system rather than trying to reinvent a social network. Nice work Newbay.