StatCounter founder is one of BusinessWeek’s Top Young Entrepreneurs 2007
Aodhan Cullen, ceo and founder, of Statcounter is one of the top under-25 entrepreneurs in Europe – as per Businessweek article: StatCounter Rakes In the Clicks
Quotes from article:
“StatCounter currently has more than 1.5 million users and tracks more than 9 billion page views per month across its network of 2.2 million Web sites. Cullen won’t discuss revenues for the privately held company, but says he’s signing up 1,500 new members per day.”
“So what’s next for Cullen? Venture capitalists have been beating a path to his door but so far the young entrepreneur says he isn’t interested in being bought out. He says he wants to continue growing the company, which has been profitable from the start, on his own, by improving the services he can offer his customers.”