Y Europe can seed growth of its new stars
Saul Klein, who was recently appointed to Index Ventures, one of the top web2.0 related Venture capital firms around, is proposing a European techstars/ycomibinator type facility.
localglo.be: Y Europe can seed growth of its new stars
So what next? This summer we will aim to bring together some of Europe’s best entrepreneurs and investors to start supporting and seeding talented developers who have ideas that they think they can turn into world beating businesses.
Right now, I’ve love your feedback.
Let me know;
* what you think,
* who you’d want to be involved,
* how we should go about finding the right talent,
* who should we be telling about it,
* how should the model work best,
* if your an entrepreneur what you would need
Saul is one of the smartest entrepreneur/advisor/angel investor around – and with his new role with Index, this promises to be an exiting initiative to create more world class companies out of Europe.
I recommend you subscribe to his blog – localglo.be and kick in your comments/thoughts/ideas….
One Response to “Y Europe can seed growth of its new stars”
Paul Campbell
February 17th, 2007 at 6:58 am
Great post and link …
lots to think about – huge article. I’ll have to get through this later and sift through it. Ideas.