Loic LeMeur (Six apart) attacks TechCrunch

13th of December 2006 by admin

My motivation for writing this post is to support TechCrunch and its independent / impartial opinion piece on Le Web 3 and to highlight how Loic has probably ruined his (and Six apart's) reputation with the following retort to it:

Loic LeMeur – Sam. There is no word to qualify you and this post. You are just an asshole.

TechCrunch's opinion piece highlights the obvious, political ambitions of Loic LeMeur's (aka Six apart) during the (last?) Le Web 3 conference in Paris.

In my view, Loic has done a Gerald Ratner on it.

Doing a Ratner is a British business phrase referring to a Chief Executive or a senior person of a company who criticises the company’s products or disparages the customers, frequently with disastrous results for both the person and the company.

Sam Sethi wrote a well crafted independent and balanced article where he articulated what EVERYONE at the conference was already thinking and some were already blogging. Every person I came into contact with felt that the conference was completely ruined due to Loic's (Six apart's) political ambitions. The entire schedule for day 2 was shuffled to allow no fewer than 3 politicians to broadcast their political agendas to a mass of journalists which clearly had absolutely nothing to do with the Web!

My first response when I read Loic's retort was 'huh'? This isn't a professional response, never mind an apology for changing the conference schedule without telling anyone in advance. This will go down in history as an important milestone in the downfall of Six apart's brand reputation amongst the blogsphere.

If Loic was working for me, his ass wouldn't have touched the ground on the way out… Loic's 'personal attack' and unprofessional retort on 'Sam' is not only damaging to Six apart's brand, it's likely to be commented on more than the conference screw up itself! Doh!

My advice to Loic and Six apart is to publicly apologise for the huge screw up only then will they have a small chance to gain a little respect. They might also wish to apologise for attacking Sam for exercising his right to *blog his opinion*.


7 Responses to “Loic LeMeur (Six apart) attacks TechCrunch”

Seriously Santa “you better watch out!” make sure you leave the right gifts!

Having read a few posts it seems like it was a good thing WIFI was down, otherwise I would have missed Le Mill 3 :)

Sam’s post seems like an open honest review. If only he could do same for some package holiday brochures we’d be laughing.

What’s happened to the freedom of speech? Does Loic not understand the true nature of blogging.

Granted, Loic may believe Sam has done Le Web 3 an injustice, but a personal attack? Now that’s uncalled for, take it on the chin and thank him for being honest.

Loic should be really be thankful as Sam has everyone talking :)

[...] Then this happened; The entire schedule for day 2 was shuffled to allow no fewer than 3 French politicians (speaking in French to a mostly non-French speaking audience) to broadcast their political agendas to a mass of journalists which clearly had absolutely nothing to do with the Web!  (from here) [...]

I have three points here paul.

First Sam did nothing wrong, he did what a blogger supposed to do.

Second Loic acted not like a true blogger, who should ready to take criticisms, on the other hand also he is a human who acted on frustration of failure (i am sure he didn’t plan what Le Web ended up).

Third i think neither Loic or our Sam acted oddly. Unlike Sam’s boss who take it too far, which gives me a fishy feelings. Normal comment moderation does not leads to firing man like Sam, i am sure there are lot of things behind the curtain.

[...] Worum gehts eigentlich dabei? Nun, Le Web 3.0 ist offenbar nicht so ganz das gewesen, was sich der Teccrunch-Blogger Sem Sethi erhoffte. Worauf er halt das tat was Blogger tun – und manchmal auch unbedacht, kenne ich auch – er bloggte seine Meinung zur Konferenz bei Teccrunch. (Ãœbrigens, wenn man sich so im Netz umliest: Toll fanden die Konferenz wohl die wenigsten Anwesenden. Ist auch etwas ungeschickt den Herrn Sarkozy da einzuladen… Hüstel.) Die Fußangel: Teccrunch war bei Le Web 3.0 involviert – man streitet ab dass dort Geld geflossen sein soll, aber Fakt ist, dass die mit an Bord waren. Und natürlich ist man als Firma nicht so glücklich darüber wenn ausgerechnet ein Interner ins schön gechlorte Becken pisst. Deswegen ist das UK-Blog jetzt erstmal zu, Seth seinen Job los – nicht zu vergessen dass Loic Le Meur ihn ein “Arschloch” nannte – und wenn wir alle tolle nette Kommentare schreiben bleibt das Blog offen. Hmm… Ah ja. Das Netz routet bekanntlich um Störungen herum und Seth hat sein eigenes Blog, von daher ist das keine Frage ob man das Blog jetzt offenlässt oder nicht. Und egal obs nun ethisch oder unethisch war: Seths Kritik war noch harmlos gegenüber dem was andere Blogger so schreiben und schrieben von daher fand ich es noch harmlos – vielleicht unschön, wenn die eigene Firma an soetwas beteiligt ist, da ist Kritik nach innen gerichtet vielleicht besser aber wenn einem das Bloggen in Fleisch und Blut übergegangen ist, dann denkt man nicht immer an das, was da folgen könnte. Obwohl ich glaube, dass Seth sich das gut überlegt hat – und dafür jetzt seinen Preis bezahlte. Immerhin – auch so kommt man bei Technorati in die Top-Positionen… [...]

[...] What triggered the original argument [...]

[...] Kamrul and I first met on a blog post about the Sam Sethi vs Mike Arrington saga a news story which I broke (before anyone else on the blogsphere!) on Web2Ireland. [...]

[...] What triggered the original argument [...]