Enterprise Ireland Web2.0 Event in Dublin
Enterprise Ireland are holding a full-day Web2.0 event in Dublin on Thursday, April 27th
Speakers include leading Web2.0 folks – as well as some well known venture capitalist firms who invest in the web2.0 space.
Keep your calendars free for what promises to be a great event.
More to follow….
4 Responses to “Enterprise Ireland Web2.0 Event in Dublin”
Derek Organ
March 30th, 2006 at 12:29 pm
good stuff, let us know the details when yea can.
Tom Raftery
March 31st, 2006 at 4:27 am
Excellent – any more details?
it@cork are holding a Web 2.0 mini conference on June 8th.
Confirmed speakers so far include:
Salim Ismail – founder of PubSub
Shel Israel – co-author with Robert Scoble of naked Conversations and currently writing a book on Web 2.0
Fergus Burns – Founder and CEO of Nooked
Microsoft have promised to send a speaker (and to sponsor)
Google and Yahoo! are currently firming up their level of involvement as well.
Another one for the calendar!
Technology in plain English » If you’re interested in System Security , and you’re about in Dublin …
April 23rd, 2006 at 11:19 am
[...] Who are the main professional organisations and institutions? I haven’t (yet) been to one of the ISSA events , anybody that does go along please let me know if it is good , bad , or indifferent. I’m off to the Enterprise Ireland Web 2.0 event at the Helix DCU instead. [...]
Copacetic » Blog Archive » The Irish Software Association - Worth the price?
May 11th, 2006 at 2:51 pm
[...] Target the startup companies, these companies are the future of the industry. Where was the ISA are the recent Enterprise Ireland Web 2.0 event? Will they be at the next one in Cork? [...]