Posts Tagged ‘dave morin’

Facebook Connect on Web2Ireland

conor 5th of January 2009 by conor

We’ve just turned-on support for Facebook Connect on this blog. It enables you to comment here using your Facebook credentials and also to optionally send your comments from here to your Facebook profile.

Facebook Connect

To make use of it, simply login to Facebook using the Widget in the right-hand sidebar. Then when you comment on a post, you’ll be doing so as your Facebook identity.

Whilst we remain big fans of standards like OpenID, the simple fact remains that the implementations are non-intuitive, the plugins are flakey and the uptake has been tiny. Connect is instant portable identity for a much bigger demographic. 

We were hugely impressed with Dave Morin’s presentation of Connect at Le Web. I hope we can get him over to Ireland at some stage to tell us more. Any chance Ryan will get him over for FOWA Dublin?

Full instructions on enabling Facebook Connect on WordPress Blogs are here.