Archive for July, 2006

admin 14th of July 2006 by admin

Check out Kick is a community edited site that tracks the best of Irish blogs and news.

According to Gavin Joyce, “ is a digg-like site focusing on Irish news and blogs. The past number of months I have been working on new features (v2.0 was just released) and on promoting some sister kick sites including and htttp://”

Give a site you know a kick, get a kickback, kick Kick’s tyres.

BarCampIreland gaining momentum…

admin 14th of July 2006 by admin

Interest is gaining around the proposed BarCampIreland event.

One recent addition to the wiki, is Bar Talk Ideas

Basically what do folks want to hear about or talk about.

Join the discussion – signup !!

Will the geeks really rule the world?

admin 14th of July 2006 by admin

e-Consultancy interview with Paul Graham (of StartupSchool)

Web2Ireland 2006 event survey results

admin 13th of July 2006 by admin

Some great feedback (Pdf) from the Web2Ireland event held in April, many thanks to those who took the time to fill out the survey

Also Thanks to Infacta for the use of the excellent online survey product – GroupSurveys

Code Jam Europe 2006 in Dublin

admin 11th of July 2006 by admin

Google held Code Jam Europe competition in Dublin recently – check out the video

The event was held in conjunction with TopCoder