Web 2.0 Acid Test

2nd of October 2005 by admin

As we prepare for the Web2.0 conference, Tim O’Reilly has a great article on “What is Web2.0″.

(btw, I always guessed Tim had Irish blood…)

Ian Kennedy of Yahoo has a great summary on Tim’s article, as well as the “web2.0 company acid test”

* Services, not packaged software, with cost-effective scalability
* Control over unique, hard-to-recreate data sources that get richer as more people use them
* Trusting users as co-developers
* Harnessing collective intelligence
* Leveraging the long tail through customer self-service
* Software above the level of a single device
* Lightweight user interfaces, development models, AND business models

2 Responses to “Web 2.0 Acid Test”

Web 2.0 in Ireland (and San Francisco)

Fergus Burns of Sligo based Nooked reports from San Francisco where he`s attending the Web2.0 conference with other businesses from the Irish north-west. Interestingly they have created a new blog – called Web 2.0 in Ireland – which is sponsored

Yay ! just what we need – more mindless web2.0 cheerleading and bandwagoneering.